Klick_Ass is playing on words: a combination of the Ace of Spades playing card with a mouse pointer

Home of the "19 inch talk" & building stuff

Why you should join the Berlin Desknots today!

Badge of the Berlin Desknots
NOT the Austrian Flag here. We’re still looking for a proper logo – do you want to make a proposal? ;oD=

I am happy to announce that this week, Michael Scharnagl, Sven Wolfermann and me founded the Berlin Desknots around the recently established co-up Open Device Lab. “WTF is a ‘Desknot’?” you might ask.

Well, we felt the strong need for a platform to exchange knowhow and best practices around everything we as developers and designers love to create to be consumed on mobile devices: including apps and of course the mobile web. So, how do you name a meetup that is targeting everything around…

  • how to test and debug on and for Smartphones, Tablets, Featurephones, Dumbphones, mobile Gaming Consoles, … (& you name it)
  • how to ensure UX concepts perform on elderly non-Touchscreens as good as on the brand new stylo-goodness
  • how to do performance optimization for the mobile Web
  • how to enable yourself to access a large number of test devices

…and so on. The existing Meetups just don’t focus enough on these highly relevant topics, so we created one, but how to name it?

Josh Clark established a term for “every internet connected device for content consumption that is not a desktop computer or notebook”: Desknots. It’s as simple as that! So we’re proud to announce the foundation of the Berlin Desknots and welcome Josh as a honorary chairman and first member of our meetup. Please join us today on meetup.com, and save the date for our first Meetup: October 17, 2012. This first meetup will be around “Mobile Web Performance, Testing & Debugging Best Practices”.

Looking forward meeting you there!

OK Slideshare. You guys wanna make me upgrade, no? ;)

Slideshare featured another Slidedeck of mine
Slideshare featured another deck of mine. I assume they want to make me upgrade my free account to a payed one, right?

Back in May I had the pleasure to be featured on Slideshare. Means, my deck was featured on their homepage for about 24 hours. I didn’t realize how many people get inspired by their homepage and actually click the decks they’re featuring (OK, maybe it’s the tweets they fire out?).

Today: baaam! The deck on my session “Mobile Web Testing & Debugging Best Practices” at MobileCamp Dresden won the next laurel wreath.

Awesome. Go ahead, Slideshare! ;)

Oh, Slideshare!

Slideshare featured my deck
This laurel wreath looks pretty Caesar-style! ;)

Slideshare featured my Talk at the HTML5 Reality Check in Gothenburg.

Besides from a real nice trip to Gothenburg at the hottest day in history (in May people usually don’t walk the streets topless and with flippers in Sweden) that meant an instant 1000 views to the deck, over night.


Thank you, Slideshare! ;)