In terms of the Modern Web Hamburg is definetely the place to be for germanies only #CreateTheWeb
Tourstop on November 13!
Doors are open from 12 noon, and right after everybody recharged his or her batteries over a tasty snack for lunch, speakers from e-net and Scholz & Friends as well as my fellows Simon Widjaja, Harish Sivaramakrishnan and me will be on stage from 1pm.
Well known mobilecamp Hamburg is organizing the Event, everbody who attended #mchh12
knows, these guys know how to do a proper event.
So what is this about?
S&F and e-net are going to give inspirational sneak peeks into current, webstandards based projects. I am going to talk about Adobes activities in terms of Webstandards, Test the Web Forward and WebPlatform.org and will introduce you to our Edge Tools & Services, including a detailled look on Edge Reflow and Inspect. Simon will rock CreateJS and Edge Animate and Harish is going to talk about PhoneGap/Build as well as Brackets, and how to contribute to Brackets and Open Standards.
We are going to wrap it up over free drinks and networking from around 6pm. Matching the time (and weather) of the year, the event is taking place in Hamburgs super-cozy “Die 2te Heimat”. And sold out in a matter of hours yesterday!
Oh boy… so what’s this article for? There are rumors on additional Tickets to be announced this weekend! It’s unclear when exactly, but it could pay off to follow @mobilecampHH on Twitter. Or you rely on my retweet (what I do not recommend).
See you guys in Hamburg? I’d love to!