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Create The Web Hamburg – rumors there will be some additional seats soon!

Die 2te Heimat in Hamburg
Die 2te Heimat in Hamburg (Image © die2teheimat.de)

In terms of the Modern Web Hamburg is definetely the place to be for germanies only #CreateTheWeb Tourstop on November 13!

Doors are open from 12 noon, and right after everybody recharged his or her batteries over a tasty snack for lunch, speakers from e-net and Scholz & Friends as well as my fellows Simon Widjaja, Harish Sivaramakrishnan and me will be on stage from 1pm.

Well known mobilecamp Hamburg is organizing the Event, everbody who attended #mchh12 knows, these guys know how to do a proper event.

So what is this about?

S&F and e-net are going to give inspirational sneak peeks into current, webstandards based projects. I am going to talk about Adobes activities in terms of Webstandards, Test the Web Forward and WebPlatform.org and will introduce you to our Edge Tools & Services, including a detailled look on Edge Reflow and Inspect. Simon will rock CreateJS and Edge Animate and Harish is going to talk about PhoneGap/Build as well as Brackets, and how to contribute to Brackets and Open Standards.

We are going to wrap it up over free drinks and networking from around 6pm. Matching the time (and weather) of the year, the event is taking place in Hamburgs super-cozy “Die 2te Heimat”. And sold out in a matter of hours yesterday!

Oh boy… so what’s this article for? There are rumors on additional Tickets to be announced this weekend! It’s unclear when exactly, but it could pay off to follow @mobilecampHH on Twitter. Or you rely on my retweet (what I do not recommend).

See you guys in Hamburg? I’d love to!

The Modern Web Needs Modern Tools! Create The Web London

Pretty sure a lot of you guys didn’t miss the news, but there is a ton of reasons to emphasize on the recently announced Edge Tools & Services. I mean I’ve been walking around with that knowledge for a while, so I am really happy we finally lifted the secret and introduced a new set of awesome tools to the world!

To provide a first hand experience on the new stuff Adobe recently kicked off the #CreateTheWeb Tour. We’ve been visiting the first stop of this series of events around the globe this week in London. About 400 people took a measure on Adobes contribution in terms of open web standards and modern tools for the web, and some of them shared their impressions with us.

Stop reading – check out the video! There is also a german version available. More information on Edge Tools & Services and Adobe & HTML on html.adobe.com and at a Create The Web Tourstop in your neighborhood.

We are here to help you to establish Open Device Labs

Want help? Want to help? Help others, to help others? You are just awesome. (Oh by the way, we need a logo!)

Some of us have been encouraging this with some of the earliest labs. And as Jordan Moore put it with his comment in this blog, it is truly heart-warming to see the Open Device Lab movement growing globally these days.

Open Device Labs (ODLs, #ODL) are a grass roots community movement, to establish physical locations for web and app developers to go to use a shared community pool of mobile devices. Developers are starting to donate their devices to the shared pool, and word is spreading through the community locally, and globally.

This enables more developers to access a broad variety of devices, to test whatever they’re working on for consumption on mobile screens – which is badly needed. To emphasize again on that: No, your iPhone is not sufficient for this test. And it doesn’t help a lot to bring your wifes Kindle Fire and your kids HTC into the game as well.

To give a hint: Facebooks mobile web offerings are accessed by 7.000 (seven thousand) different mobile devices (makes/models), each day. So test on real devices. Don’t let your users do your work (this would be called “Bananaware”). And if you don’t want to shop 7.000 devices, Open Device Labs are here for you!

Establishing an Open Device Lab is an awesome idea, but it takes guts. You need to find a safe location for the lab. You’ll need a Wifi capable of connecting some 30, 50 or even more devices (again, no, your Airport Extreme does not cover that (well)). You’ll need devices – a lot of them, both elder as well as brand new models, in variants, to cover all the OS fragmentation goodness. You’ll need accessories, like battery replacements, stands, or SIMs with a data plan for elder devices. You might need software as well. And you want to share best practices, and promote your lab, so people find you and help grow the lab. All that kind of stuff, in your free time, provided as a free service to the community… YOU ARE ALREADY A HERO!

To ease the pain and help people around the world to establish Open Device Labs around the globe, together with my mates I just founded lab-up.org. We want to help. We’re here to help. Go to lab-up.org and contact us. Follow LabUpOrg on Twitter. Sponsor ODLs around the world. Donate. Spread the word. Contribute to the program itself. Help the web and fragmented mobile experience to become a better place.

Thank you!